Level design + Animation + Soundtrack

Death Do Us Part

Download Death Do Us Part


  • Game Jam: Global Game Jam 2019
  • Jam Theme: What Home Means To Me
  • Time frame: 48 hours
  • Genre: Story based arcade game
  • Engine: Unity
  • Software I used: Unity, Aseprite, Audacity

Made by

  • Fer Kitsawat
  • Gabriel Hector
  • Martin Andersson
  • Maximilian Malander
  • Noel Toivo

This was my first contact with game jamming and one of my earliest experiences with actually creating a digital game at all. The game is about a ghost trying to scare his still living girlfriend’s new boyfriend out of her life.

The player scared the girlfriend and is closing in on the games fail state

My contributions to the game consisted of among other things storyboarding, creating art for the level, character animation and the design of the actual level.

The player lost, and everyone else is happy.

Although we might have made one of the more dull games in the history of game jams I am still proud of the storytelling we managed to pull off. There is a poetic beauty in the fact that the player is essentially a bad ghost whose best case scenario is a tale where everyone else ends up in tears. It offers a welcome twist on the simplistic view of the player as the obvious hero in a game.